
Launched in 2000, Crown Column is rapidly becoming a market leader, manufacturing architectural columns in varied materials including fiberglass, wood, aluminum, and cellular PVC. Our product collections individually exemplify the exquisite quality each product comprises. We serve the residential and commercial construction industries as well as the restoration and remodeling sector. We offer the most diverse product selection imaginable, ranging from the timeless beauty of the ancient classics to today’s upbeat modern styles, fashioned with the most advanced manufacturing technology available.

Durham's is the go-to product for homeowners and handypersons for making repairs to wood, drywall, patching plastic, tile, and many more uses. Durham's stays put and does not shrink. It can be sawed, chisled, sanded, polished and colored. Use Durham's for lasting repairs. Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty fills voids like holes, cracks, and the like. Just fill the void completely until the putty bounces back. After the putty has set up, remove the excess. It adheres to the sides of the hole for permanence. Use Durham's to patch cracks and holes in walls, repair furniture, tighten loose wood joints, fill holes in wood so dowels and/or screws can be reset, fill edges and imperfections in plywood, and repair all kinds of antiques.

Lee Roy Jordan leads the industry as one of the largest suppliers of Redwood and other fine specialty woods in eight states. A successful businessman and former Dallas Cowboy, Lee Roy Jordan’s determination to be the best continues into the 21st century.